Chuck Schaffer

Center for Cultural Preservation


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00:00:00 - Chuck Schaffer

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck Schaffer introduces himself and gives some background on his studies and field of expertise.

Keywords: field of expertise

00:00:35 - What got Chuck engaged with turtles.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about what got him engaged with turtles. He talks about growing up with turtles and his love of them.

Keywords: turtles

00:01:56 - Chuck's projects.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck is a stay-at-home dad and he talks about all the other projects he is involved with.

Keywords: projects

00:02:38 - The power of turtles on man.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck explains the power turtles have over people and what fascinates people about turtles.

Keywords: power turtles

00:03:26 - The cultural connections with turtles.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about the cultural connections we have with turtles.

Keywords: cultural connections

Subjects: the cultural connections

00:05:05 - Native American stories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck tells Native American stories that have been passed down regarding the folklore surrounding turtles. He mentions the Native American sculptures that depicts turtles. Chuck explains that turtles appear in many cultures.

Keywords: Native American sculptures; folklore; Native American stories

Subjects: folklore surrounding turtles

00:07:33 - Indian culture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about the Indian culture and the part turtles play.

Keywords: Indian culture

Subjects: Indian culture and the part turtles play

00:08:06 - Pacific Asian stories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck discusses the Pacific Asian stories about turtles.

Keywords: Pacific Asian stories

Subjects: Pacific Asian stories about turtles.

00:09:23 - Folk stories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about all the folk stories surrounding turtles.

Keywords: folk stories

Subjects: folk stories surrounding turtles.

00:12:01 - The role the turtle plays in the human mind

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about the role the turtle plays in the human mind and mentions a few stories.

Keywords: human mind

Subjects: the turtle plays in the human mind

00:13:35 - The power turtles have had over humans.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck explains the power turtles have had over humans. He gives examples from different cultures and how they relate to turtles.

Keywords: different cultures

Subjects: different cultures and how they related to turtles.

00:15:29 - Turtle shells

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck says that turtle shells have been found in graves and buried with warriors. The most famous turtle burial ground is in the Miami Circle, south Florida.

Keywords: Miami circle, south Florida.; turtle burial ground; turtle shells

Subjects: Most famous turtle burial ground

00:16:03 - Interesting stuff surrounding turtles in South Florida.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about all the interesting stuff surrounding turtles in South Florida.

Keywords: south Florida.

Subjects: interesting stuff surrounding turtles in south Florida.

00:18:49 - The relationship between turtles and man

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about how far back the relationship between turtles and man goes. He feels it has gone on since the dawn of man and he gives examples.

Keywords: dawn of man; relationship

00:20:19 - What draws/attracts humans of all ages to turtles.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about what draws/attracts humans of all ages to turtles.

00:22:01 - The modern mythology surrounding turtles

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck discusses the modern mythology surrounding turtles. He also talks about the fact that turtles are vanishing and why.

Keywords: vanishing; modern mythology

00:24:22 - The power of turtles over us

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck gives his opinion on how we can use the power of turtles over us to become better stewards of the environment.

Keywords: environment; stewards

00:27:26 - The effect on man and the environment if turtles vanished

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck talks about the effect on man and the environment if turtles vanished from the earth.

Keywords: turtles vanished

00:28:44 - What humans would lose if turtles vanished.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Chuck discusses what we as humans would lose if turtles vanished.

Keywords: vanished