Partial Transcript: Max talks about some of the people who have interned with him; some continued to woodwork, and some did not. Max improvised many of his tools, adapting them to his needs even if they were not intended for the purposes for which he used them. He primarily has used pegs in his work, rather than glue.
Keywords: Pegs vs. glue
Subjects: Max Woody
Partial Transcript: Max talks about changes in woodworking over the years; in the past, some people used waterpower or windmills to run their tools. He describes how a windmill can be used in the process. He demonstrates making furniture, using a gouge, and then different chisels.
He likes to paint his chisels with patriotic colors. He often demonstrates for the public at fairs. He talks about how he learned from his grandfather and tools that made him more efficient in his furniture making. He got some of the tools from furniture factories when they closed.
Keywords: waterpower; windmill; woodworking tools
Subjects: History
Partial Transcript: Max talks about how people in the past would cut trees for their furniture. They would cut maples or locust, then turn the wood by hand. He describes making parts of rockers, using interlocking joints and talks about how he puts the posts on a rocker using a mallet. They did not have sandpaper and would use broken glass to smooth the wood. Traditional furniture makers sign their pieces with a scribe mark. If there is no scribe mark, the chair is probably from a factory.
Keywords: broken glass; interlocking joints; locust; rockers; sandpaper; scribe mark; maple
Subjects: Building a rocker by hand
Partial Transcript: Max likes to put prettier wood at the top of the rocker since it catches people’s eyes first. He discusses the aesthetics of how to place wood, describing how the grain has “cathedrals” and orienting those can affect the look of a piece of furniture.
Keywords: cathedrals; wood grain; wood
Subjects: Aesthetics
Partial Transcript: Max discusses lacquer and varnishes used to finish wood, but he prefers an oil finish that will last longer. He discusses different brands of oil finishes and mentions linseed oil and tung oil finishes. He often warms his finishes in the microwave, as it penetrates the wood more easily. He then uses sandpaper, then steel wood, and then another coat of finish.
Keywords: oil finishes; varnish; lacquer
Subjects: finish on furniture
Partial Transcript: Max customizes each chair based on the size of a person; he is a member of the Southern Highlands Guild. He is a bit disillusioned with the group now, as so many more amateurish people are accepted. He says he does not have a gallery or a studio, he has a workshop. He discussed the beginning of the Guild and how the focus was on the necessities of life, made in traditional ways. He still uses his hands to do much of the work that others would do with machines. Each of his chairs is different since he uses his hands, not measuring tools. He builds chairs only for those he likes. He has donated many of his recent chairs to a charity.
Keywords: Southern Highlands Guild; Customized
Subjects: unique and handmade
Partial Transcript: Max’s wife has an antique shop; he sells his chairs from his workshop. He also buys and sells some antique chairs. He has been involved with Foxfire for 38 years; he discusses some of the issues with Foxfire which almost destroyed the group, but he is working with them now, doing shows at Rabun Gap. His chairs have brought in many thousands of dollars for charity.
Keywords: Rabun Gap; antiques; Foxfire
Subjects: Foxfire
Partial Transcript: Max has many tools from his father and grandfather; he gives a tour of his workshop, describing various types of chairs and the wood they are made from. He has a photo of his grandfather delivering chairs to the Switzerland Inn with an ox wagon. He discusses tradition and nostalgia; he says the tradition of chairmaking gives him a sense of closeness to his father and others. He remembers his grandfather being known as a peacemaker and feels like he has that same quality. He did not have the easiest life, but he would not trade that life.
Keywords: tradition; inherited tools
Subjects: Family history
Partial Transcript: Max talks about being featured in some films and at workshops; he does not get paid much for such appearances, but he talks to young people who are interested in woodwork. He thinks it is important to treasure the old ways and old things. Important things are to live upright, read quality literature and follow Jesus’s teachings. He hopes young people will turn to some of the traditional arts. He says students have told him his words have made an impression on them.
Keywords: workshops; film
Subjects: Passing on knowledge
Partial Transcript: Max talks about specific students and the impression they have made on him. He says he is sentimental about these student’s experiences and their exposure to the traditional ways. He thinks the exposure of young people through the Foxfire programs is important.
Keywords: Foxfire
Subjects: impression