All My Yesterdays Were Steps

Hard cover, $26.95

All My Yesterdays Were Steps:
The Selected Poems of Dora Teitelboim

Climb with Dora Teitelboim to new heights of melodious beauty in this exquisitely translated collection of her finest works. "Her lyrics are rich with Jewish sorrow and with human faith. Her verse derives from the sounds of her tune, from the wings of her imagination and from the colors of her style."

At long last, a new generation of American readers may relish in depth the "fiery social motifs" and lyrical exuberance that international audiences have revered for over fifty years. Dora Teitelboim, the Yiddish poet from Poland, America, France, and Israel is translated here by Aaron Kramer in her first English collection. Kramer, one of the best translators of Yiddish poetry ever, does a masterful job of maintaining the beauty, rhyme and cadence of the original Yiddish.

Ms. Teitelboim's seething poetry sees yesterday, today and tomorrow. Her unflagging concern for the fate of humanity is projected through songs of sorrow and empathy which express a keen social conscience in dazzling images and language of extraordinary richness. Describing these poems Abraham Schlonsky, the world renowned Hebrew poet, says, "her versification derives from the sounds of her nigen (Yiddish melody), from the wings of her imagination, and from the colors of her style."

All My Yesterdays Were Steps 
by Dora Teitelboim

Edited and translated by Aaron Kramer
A timeless collection of thought provoking poetry, written with a rebellious hand, of life, war & love.

KTAV Publishing House,1995.             Order

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